Empire Labs Empire Labs CloneAWilly Plus Balls Kit Light Skin Tone DildosEmpire Labs Empire Labs CloneAWilly Plus Balls Kit Light Skin Tone Dildos

Empire Labs Empire Labs CloneAWilly Plus Balls Kit Light Skin Tone Dildos


Would you like BALLS with your homemade dildo? Create a perfect, vibrating, silicone copy of any penis AND BALLS, safely and easily in the comfort of your own home. Clone-A-Willy's penis casting kit captures incredible life-like detail, making it the most personalized cock casting kit on the planet. It's fun and easy to do! Originally known as Make Your Own Dildo, as seen on Real Time With Bill Maher.

Customers are responsible for all shipping charges.



Each Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kit comes with:

    • Body-safe, light tone-colored silicone

    • Algae-based molding powder

    • Molding tube

    • Multi-speed vibrator

  • Easy-to-follow instructions