Says: This is Ulysses. I am very fortunate that I have a perfect body and beautiful face. It is precisely because of these advantages that it is easier for me to meet more men. Would you like me to give you a unique performance? For my huge breasts, this dress is too tight and I can't cover it all. Look, the shorts are too small and short. My hips and thighs are outdoors. I can’t even let you see my Pussy more clearly. If you find clothes that suit my sexy figure, please buy it for you. I think you will be prepared for it, you don’t want to miss any surprises, do you?
Bullet Points
- Lifelike oral,vaginal, anal
- Made of TPE material
- FedEx/UPS Shipping
- Easy to clean, store
- Discreet packing
Skeleton: Steel
Skin Color: Tan
Bra Size: G CUP
Feet style: Standing
Hip: 39.76in(101cm)
Waist: 21.25in(54CM)
Height: 5.28ft(161cm)
Material: Medical TPE
Weight: 92.59lbs(42KG)
Oral Depth: 5.11in(13cm)
Anal Depth: 6.69in(17cm)
Arm Length: 23.62in(60cm)
Leg Length: 31.10in(79cm)
Foot Length: 8.26in(21cm)
Eyes Color: Green(Optional)
Hair Color: Brown(Optional)
Vaginal Depth: 6.69in(17cm)
Upper breast: 38.58in(98cm)
Lower breast: 23.62in(60cm)
Packing Size: (61.42in*17.72in*11.81in) (156cm*45cm*30cm)
Package includes
1* Love Doll
1* Wig
1* Heater
1* Cleaning Pot
1* Instruction Manual
1* Clothes(Sexy Lingerie, Sent at random)